Meet The Producer

Tj Howard

Originally from Jacksonville Fl, Tj moved to Chicago in 2011. In Florida he was peripherally involved with the kink community but dove into the Chicago community in 2014.  A sadistic, pan-, poly, switch he basically enjoy anything that can be construed as libidinous: leather, gear, impact play, knock out play, sensory deprivation, electro, torture, wax, groups, exhibitionism/public play, and good ole’ fashioned sadism. He’s the educator for Leather64TEN, has taught multiple seminars, volunteer for CLCO, works to promote Team Friendly as often as possible, Den Daddy extraordinaire, event and contest producer, Mr Leather64Ten 2017,Top 20 finisher of IML 39, and current inaugural Illinois Power Exchange titleholder with his two partners.  He’s a member of Titans of the Midwest and an ordained minister for those of you wishing to get married or buried or both. Outside the world of kink he is an avid reader, gamer, music buff, and all around hedonist.